
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Heading home - St. Louis tomorrow

Heading home tomorrow - or should I say to St. Louis, Houghton has become my home now.

I've spent the last week alone on the farm.  It has been a growing time for me.  I've stretched out of my comfort zone - carried heavy things, made hard and complex decisions, used a drill several times, ate alone, reflected on my life, and cried.  I needed to do these things to become a better person!  We all need to grow and only at the end of our comfort zone, do we grow.   

I sat out in the yard in the evening and watched the sun go down.  I thought, prayed, and talked to myself and God.   I had agreed to move here, but when it came time to ACTUALLY  move, I had to work through the reality of it all. What came out of this week alone is that I am OK with moving here even with my family and friends in St. Louis.

 I would like to invite each of you to Cold Comfort, not JUST because I will miss you all, but because it is a BEAUTIFUL place to vacation.  The weather is great - just ask Patti Warner.  I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you Susie! Visiting the farm was a great experience and I look forward to coming back, but this time Pete wants to come with me! He will love it. Take Care and keep this wonderful blog going! I really enjoy it!! Love
