
About the Women

There have always been Stark... wait, no this isn't the movie. We are just a mom and her girls separated by 700 miles.

I'm Susan and I just made the move to a 50 acre, former dairy farm on the thumb of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. My daughters, Keva and Lauren are staying in St. Louis. Although the miles separate us we're going to try to stay closer by writing about our lives.

Keva is an artist and mother of three rambunctious daughters and married to another artist and car aficionado.

Lauren is a needle crafter and mother to a spunky toddler who keeps her and her science and choir nerd husband on their toes.

Together we will share tales of raising a diverse set of personalities, maintaining and improving older houses, creating art, crafting in many mediums, and anything that helps us keep our sanity.

Welcome to the farm!