
Friday, November 21, 2014

New Cold Comfort Farm Photos

The summer kitchen & barn - snow between the house and the barn is about 8-12" high (due to drifting).  The taller pile of snow on the side of the summer kitchen is from snow has to be pushed somewhere.

We are trying to train our cats, Cleo and Tea, to go out in the cold and snow.  We take them out and put them in our barn each day and let them run for awhile.  When Cleo ran back from the barn to the house, she didn't stay on the plowed path. She ended up in the snowbank that was as tall as she was.  She now stays on the path.

No caption needed.  The evening here gets soft and purple.

The winter runner!

This picture is for Keva.

This one too!
Yesterday morning's view out of the north living room window.

Portage Lake, which is the canal running between Houghton and Hancock, is starting to freeze over. Beyond the little tree in the lower right of the photo was water - is now ice.


  1. The winter runner! No thank you; Stay warm and keep the pictures coming!

  2. Love it! Do you want to build a snowman? LOL!!
