
Monday, August 18, 2014

Taking a break to swim in Lake Superior

We know that you all think of Mark and me as A-Type personalities - all work and no play.  But here we believe in taking time off to swim when the temperature hits 80 degrees. Lake Superior in August is usually about 60 degrees.  As you can see, Mark swims as I wade in up to my knees - it is refreshing!
It took Mark about 10 minutes to get all the way in.

He swam as I watched and played in the sand

These little dried stalks gave me the opportunity to show off the sand at the black beach.  It is not really black, but all these crushed colored stones makes it look black and therefore absorb the sunlight making it warm.  And the deeper you sink your feet or body, the warmer it is.

When we are not at the beach, we are slowly settling in to our home.  We've been up to our eyeballs in STUFF, boxes, and projects.  We almost have the mailbox up.  We had to order the mailbox post as they don't keep them in stock. 

We started scraping and caulking and painting the outside windows in preparation for winter but rain slowed us down so we are now cleaning the barn so we can put shelves up and move some of our garage STUFF into the barn...slow progress, but progress.  I'll share more in the next post.

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