February is usually the coldest month outdoors and hopefully the warmest month indoors! Mark and I went to a local dining hall (like Columbia's "The Falls") for a WONDERFUL Valentine's meal, with great desserts! Kev, you should try to make the white chocolate champagne glass below - for Mitch.
Our neighbors, who attended this meal with us, chose the edible white chocolate formed champagne glass with raspberry filling and Mark and I chose the lava cake with raspberries - YUM!!!
As you know the northeast U.S. was hit with a lot of snow this winter - more than the UP in a shorter time period. We've had our share of snow, but not as fast - we had our second major blizzard last week. Here are some photos of our windows - the first day and then the next day, at the height of the blizzard.
Here is a photo of our bedroom window - it kind of looks like my weaving - nature's weaving:

We have so much wind here we are considering putting up a wind mill for our power source. We have been told by a close neighbor that on Labor Day, nature flips the wind switch and we have strong winds all winter due to the fact that we live on a peninsula on a peninsula and are surrounded on three sides with the largest fresh water lake in the U.S.
Here are a few more photos of the snow amounts in Houghton (the photo on the left show totals that are two weeks old now). This sign hangs in the window of a local sports equipment store. The other photo shows how the town has to keep the signs from becoming buried by the snow plow. In some locations, there is no more place to pile the additional snowfall so the snow is shoveled into dump trucks and hauled away.
I've been continuing on my projects; I've finished my first weaving project (left) and on the right is the next boarder of my quilt:
As we drove today, I saw a typical log truck but couldn't get the best photo of it. I just got one of the two trailers - this is a very typical sight here:
This photo below tells you all what it is like to live here. I am out of my comfort zone quite often- so our adventure continues. May you all choose to live outside your comfort zone at times - and have your own adventures!
Good Morning Susan! Pictures are great! Loved he History on the UP, but I've gotta say, I will see you in the Summer!