I was visiting with neighbor gentlemen the other day, he asked me if we were prepared for living in the UP all year long. I cocked my head and said, "We think we are." He then told me that, to be comfortable up here, we would need shoes and boots for town, farm work in rain, snow and heavy snow. And it would be smart to have a pair of snow shoes as well. We would need all weights of jackets and coats for wind, rain and snow.
He continued that we need to make sure that we have one in each of our cars (even in the summer) as temperatures can change quickly and catch you off guard. Storms can build over Lake Superior and come rolling in like a freight train! He continued to tell me to make sure to include a hat, scarf and mittens with our coats in the car. In addition, we should have multiples of each as once one pair gets wet, you will need to change to a dry pair to stay warm and healthy.
I didn't think he was trying to scare me; he was just telling me how it is. I appreciated his advice. I then brought him in and showed him our mud room. He chuckled - you can see why below:
Our boot and shoe rack - we even have a battery operated shoe drier on the bottom left |
We have several pair of garden gloves |
And gloves and mittens galore! |
Work gloves - Marks and mine (leather, rubber and gortex) |
Work hats - even though the temp is moderate here in the summer (mid 60s-80s) the skies are very bright and the sun can be very hot |
Scarves, hats and additional mittens |
Crammed closet with seasonal jackets - winter coats are in storage at the moment
Our neighbor smiled at me and said we looked prepared! Since we've been married for 38+ years and have vacationed up here in all types of weather, we had to add to our wardrobe. We also have an awesome resale shop up here and have had visitors that purchased jackets and left them here, so we even have supplies for others.
Since we live on a farm, weather, temperature and our plans for day drive what we wear. I find that we are going through a lot of laundry. In the morning, it's chilly, so its long pants, long sleeves and maybe even a jacket or sweatshirt. Wet outside? You put on wellies instead of your shoes. By noon, the sun is up and maybe you change into shorts and a t-shirt...and change to shoes. By evening again, the breeze could come up and you add a jacket or even change back into long sleeves and pants again to be comfortable...because the clothes you had on in the morning are now dirty from your morning barn tasks. See what I mean? I'm not complaining, just sharing the facts. We still love what we are doing and I'm OK with the extra laundry. Thank God I don't am not doing this and working a full time job - now that would be a tough life - AND I highly respect all who work a farm and a job!
I thought you might like to see what it is like up here. The weather drives EVERYTHING up here. It can be rough and raw but also mild and calm. As Chris, Mark's brother, said, "It's a magical place!" We love it here!
Leather is always in fashion specially in winters. Coz we have to wear stylish stuff so we can go with stylish leather jackets.Seasonal Leather Jackets Amazing design and stylish stuff i liked it alot. I have known some of these kinda website in this valentine i gifted my boyfriend and he loved it.